Archive for the ‘holiday’ Category

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

July 4th

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

Happy 4th of July!


Tuesday, January 1st, 2013

Happy New Year!

Bonus strip today: Vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics and see the Chef’s special! :)

Season’s Greetings!

Tuesday, December 25th, 2012

Merry Christmas!
Joyous #11!
Enjoyable December 25th!
Happy New Year in advance!

Vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics today and see a new version of the “Morty as Santa Claus” bonus! (You may have seen it already on the Station V3 Facebook page, or maybe on a placemat if you’ve eaten at certain restaurants in the Albany NY area, but feel free to vote anyway!)

Also: Today’s the first four update day in a while for the V3 universe – see also Z7, Ebb’s Children, and Silence in the Darkness on Q16!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

Hope everything’s getting back to normal for everyone after the hurricane. It wasn’t too bad here – rain and high wind, lots of leaves and little branches down, but fortunately nothing big, and the power stayed on.

Not sure how many trick-or-treaters to expect today (if any), but Happy Halloween anyway! There’s a new voting bonus up – vote for V3 today and see a picture of Frankenstein’s Ebb!