The second Station V3 book is available now! “Fun With The Death Fleet!” continues where the first book left off, with strips from 2004 and 2005, along with a few new strips and drawings. (This is what the current voting bonus with the 2004-style rumormongers was for!)
(Julius did!)
I now know what I’m spending $27.63 USD (probably plus S&H) of my Christmas money on.
Seriously why did I never notice the first book. Ah well.
Err… make that $27.63 CAD+ tax and shipping. That makes things cheaper actually. Thanks for being good at international Lulu
Shipping is not cheep apparently. Probably because international. Ah well still well within budget.
Looks like $27.63 CAD would be exactly right based on the current exchange rate! Good to know they get that right.
That is good to know. I am way to excited for this book by the way.
I once heard a rumor that you were supposed to release new products before Christmas, rather than right after. Of course, it was just a rumor.
I would have, but FedEx took their time getting the package to me, so I didn’t see the proof copies until Christmas Eve!