Station V3
From V3Pedia
Station V3 is the main station in the daily comic strip Station V3.
V3 is a medium-sized rest stop and refueling station, in a solar system where few people need to rest or refuel.
The station's crew has at various points included:
- Floyd, the station's administrator
- Mr. Maintenance Engineer, the station's engineer
- Ebb, a yellow floating thing
- The Plant, a plant
- Emmit, the shuttle pilot
- The Chef, the station's cook
- Morty, the engineer's assistant
- Unit 6, a robot serving as an all-purpose crew member
- Neap, another yellow floating thing
- Linton, the station's security officer
- Prentis, the station's other security officer
- The Computer, the station's computer
- Plant Jr., another plant (replacing the first one)
- Violet, the station's PR representative
- Mr. Substitute, substitute engineer and Violet's translator
- Various rumormongers