It occurs to me that having a preview of the future as the current voting bonus doesn’t make a whole lot of sense when that future is now in the past – so there’s a new sprite strip bonus up today when you vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics!
Archive for the ‘voting bonus’ Category
Friday, July 3rd, 2015This Month’s Schedule
Monday, May 4th, 2015While I work on the changes I mentioned in last month’s post, I’ll be running a story here this month on a MWF schedule with some strips I drew a while back for the Station V3 “spot the differences” flash game. (If you’ve played the game before, you may spot a few more differences!)
Also this month, check back for some previews of what’s coming next. (For a hint, vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics today!)
Friday, November 21st, 2014There’s a new bonus strip up today when you vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics!
Updates! We Got Updates
Thursday, November 13th, 2014I’ve been making some progress on getting the strip caught up lately, with multiple updates on several days recently – check back and make sure you haven’t missed anything! I don’t have any definite date on when I’ll be completely caught up (“eventually”), but hopefully more days coming up will have multiple updates.
Also today – a new bonus strip!
Sunday, October 19th, 2014Hit a few milestones in the process of getting the comic caught up… Station V3 is now “officially” 11 years old, and two days later, the 4000th strip went up. Thanks for reading, whether you’ve read them all or just read today’s!
I’d also like to thank everyone who’s been voting for Station V3 at TopWebcomics – here’s another voting bonus strip!