Archive for the ‘voting bonus’ Category

Facebook Bonus

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

I’ve been reminded about a rumor that there would be a bonus when the Station V3 Facebook page got to 100 likes – Which it did a while ago, so the bonus is up today! You can see it on the Facebook page and/or when you vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics.

In other news about the bonus, I used the Bamboo tablet to draw this one (and the last one, which is still up over at Z7). One of the things I like about it is the ability to immediately undo my mistakes – one of the things I DON’T like is that so far they’re mistakes I wouldn’t be making with pen and paper! So for now the plan is still to draw Station V3 on paper, and use the tablet for the spinoffs and bonus comics.

By Request… Z7!

Sunday, August 7th, 2011

There’s a new strip to see today when you vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics… By request, a look at Z7 in the alternate universe!

(Seems like it’d make a pretty good voting bonus for Z7 too… And so it is!)

A Look at the Future?

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics today for a quick look at the future! (A sketch of a strip that could possibly be coming up sometime soon… Winning lottery numbers not included.)

New Bonus!

Monday, June 13th, 2011

It’s been a while since I put up a new voting bonus strip – so there’s a new one today! Vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics and see a sprite strip where Ebb and a Rumormonger discuss a possible new name for the station.

Next Month

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

Station V3’s 8th birthday is coming up next month (on the 6th), to be followed by the annual guest strip week!

In the meantime, there’s a new voting bonus up at TopWebcomics – a sprite strip, with a topic taken from the bonus requests topic on the forum. (Which has been pretty active lately! Check it out, even if only to vote in the favorite robot poll.)