Archive for the ‘voting bonus’ Category

…And a Rumormonger!

Sunday, December 4th, 2011

More fan art from Richard Robertson! A rumormonger this time:

Rumormonger - fan art from Richard Robertson

Also up today – A voting bonus at TopWebcomics with information about a certain rumormonger (and another guy)!

Google+ and Other Things

Saturday, November 26th, 2011

For anyone on Google+, there’s now a Station V3 Google+ page! (And I’m there too!)

For anyone not on Google+, there’s also the Station V3 Facebook page, and you can follow me on Twitter!

And of course whether or not you’re on any of those sites, there’s also this site right here. :)

(And a new voting bonus with some unnecessary additional information about some recent events in V3’s universe!)

Updates All Around!

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Besides the usual updates here, Z7, and Silence in the Darkness on Q16 today, there’s a new strip up at Ebb’s Children!

(And in case that’s not enough new stuff in the V3 universe today, there’s also a new sprite strip voting bonus up!)

Changes to Time

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

Future events that happened in the past are catching up to Station V3’s system in the present! When will it happen? Maybe the Dukes of Stratosphear have the answer…

(And if they don’t, ask XTC!)

Meanwhile, in today’s/tomorrow’s/yesterday’s(?) new voting bonus, Ebb advises a rumormonger with a hat to watch out!

Comic in my Birthday Card!

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

My brother Chris (who made the Station V3 birthday cake a couple years ago) gave me a birthday card this year that had a dog with a party hat on the front and said “A tail is being wagged in your honor!” inside… And then he drew this:

…Following up on that, here’s a voting bonus with a somewhat less than satisfied customer of Honest J!on’s Used Tails!