Archive for the ‘other things’ Category

Grass Roots

Sunday, October 28th, 2007

I’ve now heard two members of the Grass Roots sing their 1968 hit “Midnight Confessions” – just not at the same time. Rob Grill came around with his current version of the group for a concert a couple years ago, and Creed Bratton sang it last night at the Office convention going on this weekend. (And both versions were good!)

On a not-exactly-related note, today’s first bonus is the return (sort of) of the Rumormonger Idol Reunion Special, and the second one is a sprite strip in which two rumormongers discuss the special (but one of them may have been watching something else). Thanks for voting!

Oh good!

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

The Oh No Robot transcription buttons seem to be working again, so if you see any comics in the archives that need transcribing that you’d like to transcribe, feel free!

In other news, I’ve updated the bonus archive with everything up to (and including) the current two bonuses, so if you’ve missed any, you can see them now. (And Thank You to everyone who’s been voting so far this month!)

And in other other news, that KeenSpace sampler comic book (with my autograph) from the 2004 Free Comic Book Day that was up on eBay wound up going for $4. So much for my plan to get rich by signing any copies I might have and auctioning them off… :)

Oh no!

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

Well, hopefully the motivational poster bonus the other day DIDN’T motivate any of you to enter any strip transcriptions for Station V3 at Oh No Robot, since the transcription entry seems to be having some technical difficulties right now, and all the transcription buttons have disappeared. (Fortunately, the transcriptions already entered haven’t, so you can still search them.)

Speaking of technical difficulties, in today’s first bonus strip, the Rumormonger Idol Reunion Special comes back from theirs, and today’s second bonus is a bad translation of today’s strip. Thanks for voting!

More motivation

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Two new bonuses today: a bad translation of today’s strip, and another rumormonger motivational poster.

I don’t know how motivated any of you might be feeling after seeing that poster, but just in case you are, there are only around 300 strips in the archive that still need transcribing! Or you could just tell all your friends about Station V3! Or have a look at Z7, Ebb’s Children, and Silence in the Darkness on Q16! Or if you’ve got your own comic, get a rumor for it!

But if you’re not motivated after seeing it, thanks for voting, anyway. :)

Interesting auction

Saturday, October 6th, 2007

An interesting eBay auction was pointed out to me today – an autographed copy of From Pixels To Paper, the 2004 KeenSpace Free Comic Book Day book. What I find interesting is that it’s my autograph! And yes, it’s genuine. (As if someone would fake that!) I’m not sure how much of a selling point that’s going to be, but I’ll be interested to see how it does.

In semi-related news, the bonus archive (where you can see my page from the book and the picture of Ebb and Floyd from the back cover) has been updated with the two dozen bonuses that went up since the last time I updated it, not including the current two.