After drawing the original version of today’s strip, I had the feeling that I had used the joke before. That wouldn’t exactly be a first, but in this case it wasn’t so much “I’ve done a variation on this” as “I’ve done this word for word!” – I couldn’t find it through Oh No Robot, so it must not be a strip that’s transcribed, and I wasn’t about to go through the archives and look for it (though you’re certainly welcome to!), so I changed the last panel slightly instead. If you want to see the original version, it’s up as today’s new voting bonus at TopWebcomics!
Archive for the ‘comics’ Category
Saturday, April 7th, 2012Secret Santa
Thursday, December 22nd, 2011I took part in a Secret Santa art exchange this year, organized by The Webcomic Beacon. I got some very nice art from Vinnie D. of AntiBunny (see below), and sent some art over to Prepare To Die!
Updates All Around!
Saturday, October 29th, 2011Besides the usual updates here, Z7, and Silence in the Darkness on Q16 today, there’s a new strip up at Ebb’s Children!
(And in case that’s not enough new stuff in the V3 universe today, there’s also a new sprite strip voting bonus up!)
The Mansion of E is 8!
Sunday, July 17th, 2011Robert Cook’s comic The Mansion of E recently turned 8 years old, and I sent a guest strip over to help celebrate the occasion! Congratulations, Robert!
Guest Strip Week
Saturday, May 14th, 2011I hope you all enjoyed the guest strip week! Thanks again to Robert Cook, Aaron Lewis, Lukas “Achaziel” Draxl, Wendy Wood, -2!, and the guy who draws Z7!
Also during the week, Ebb’s Children updated with a strip for Dialogue Free Comics Day!