Archive for the ‘comics’ Category

2014 State of V3

Monday, September 1st, 2014

So, some of you may have noticed that this is September 1, and the April 1 comic just went up… On the plus side, it has Freddy the Space Narwhal in it! Delays have been due to a number of reasons – busy at work, lack of time, technical difficulties, etc. But if you were worried about the comic disappearing, it’s not going to do that (just renewed hosting for another year), and if you were worried about it ending, it’s not going to do that either. The plan is to get caught up by the end of the year. We’ll see how that goes – but there will definitely be further updates!

Also today, there’s a new bonus strip in a style that would get me caught up in a hurry. (But of course I’m not going to do that.) :)

Zortic Finale

Saturday, December 28th, 2013

Zortic by fellow PodWarper/Quark cartoonist Mark Mekkes has its finale up today – don’t miss it*! (And then when you’ve read it, read it all again from the beginning, and read the classic version too!)

* Also, look for Ebb’s cameo (or Neap’s?) in the last panel!


Monday, May 6th, 2013

Station V3’s first strip went up ten years ago today!

There’ll be a few things to mark the occasion, including some guest strips next week. And today, all three spinoffs updated!

Season’s Greetings!

Tuesday, December 25th, 2012

Merry Christmas!
Joyous #11!
Enjoyable December 25th!
Happy New Year in advance!

Vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics today and see a new version of the “Morty as Santa Claus” bonus! (You may have seen it already on the Station V3 Facebook page, or maybe on a placemat if you’ve eaten at certain restaurants in the Albany NY area, but feel free to vote anyway!)

Also: Today’s the first four update day in a while for the V3 universe – see also Z7, Ebb’s Children, and Silence in the Darkness on Q16!


Saturday, September 1st, 2012

Some Quark Comics/PodWarp 1999 news… We’ve got a new member! David Davis of Cosmic Dash has joined us. You’ll be hearing him on some future PodWarp episodes. In the meantime, check out Cosmic Dash, if you’re not already reading it! And while you’re doing that, you can listen to some of the PodWarp episodes that have gone up recently (including one with Steve Troop on as a guest) if you haven’t heard them recently – or even if you have!

In some Station V3-related news, the first spinoff reached a milestone today… Z7‘s 1000th strip just went up!

And in other Station V3-related news, there’s a new voting bonus up today! Vote for Station V3 at TopWebcomics today and see an alternate version of today’s alternate universe strip!