Archive for the ‘comics’ Category

The Changes Continue

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Site changes are still going on… Everything should still be working, just don’t be surprised if some pages look a little different! Things are still in the “poke, prod, and tinker” phase.

In other news, the TopWebcomics list has reset for August, so there’s a new sprite strip up to see when you vote for Station V3 today! Ebb discusses the Third Planet situation with the Plant.

In still more other news, I drew a strip last month for Draw Until It’s Funny, and for anyone interested in a Station V3 t-shirt who doesn’t mind downloading a picture, printing it out on iron-on transfer paper and making the shirt themselves, take a look at this!

Guest Strip at One Small Step

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

There’s a guest strip I drew up today at One Small Step!

For those of you (anybody?) unfamiliar with the comic, it’s a sci-fi comedy about a guy named Doug who accidentally creates a hyperspace generator in a prototype minivan, and winds up traveling with some aliens he meets on the first planet he crashes into. (I could go into more detail here, but it’d be a lot more fun for you if you just go read the archives there!) I’ve been reading it since the beginning, and recently Joe Kandra, the creator of the strip, had some computer problems and work issues come up, and put out a call for guest strips. Hopefully new strips will be on the way soon, but in the meantime, there are several years of strips in the archives to read (or re-read)!

Guest Strips and Things

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Hope you all enjoyed the guest strips last week! Thanks again to Aaron Lewis, James Spence, Wendy Wood, Johnny Lin, and Robert Cook! (And the guy who draws Z7. And my left hand.)

And speaking of guest strips, there’s one I drew up now at The Mansion of E!

On a completely different note: I’m not on Facebook, but for those of you who are, and might be interested in this sort of thing, apparently someone’s started a Station V3 fan page there! (If you’re looking for me specifically on some sort of social media site, you can follow me on Twitter.)

Dialogue Free Comics Day

Friday, May 14th, 2010

Today is Dialogue Free Comics Day – Station V3 couldn’t really take part, being in the middle of the annual guest week, but instead, Ebb’s Children has actually updated!

Guest Week Continues

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

I hope you’re all enjoying the guest strip week! I know I am… And it’s not over yet! But I’m not just taking the week off. I’m working on a few things, Z7 and Silence in the Darkness on Q16 are still on their regular schedule, there’s a new voting bonus up (by request), and there’s a guest strip I drew up at the comic Anything But Real Life.

Maybe next week when everything gets back to normal I can take it easy… :)